The logical framework was originally created as a planning tool for military purposes, and was then further developed by nasa to plan space programmes. Analysis stage preparatory analysis stakeholder analysis problem analysis. Writing log frames in the uk is not participatory, which has led to criticism of the log frame as a planning tool. The logical framework is often used as a basis for monitoring and evaluation. The structure of the log frame is deceptively simple. Central to the project design process is the logical framework logframe, which is developed from the cdcs results framework. The logical framework matrix see also 4 sum marizes the result of.
Food for peace monitoring and evaluation workshop 2015. The logical framework approach lfa has come to play a central role in the planning and management of development interventions over the last twenty years. A logical framework matrix or logframe is the output of a program design process where you work out how the program activities will lead to the immediate outputs, and how these will lead to the outcomes and goal. It helps you define, design and budget for the interventions necessary to achieve the country development. A logical framework approach to project cycle management. Once learnt however, it can save you a lot of time. Logical framework program cycle project starter us. In these struggles, women strive to balance practical, daily, individual achievements with strategic, collective, longterm work to challenge biased social rules and institutions. Project planning matrix food and agriculture organization. The logical framework you create can be cut and pasted into a pad.
Developed in the late 1960s to assist the us agency of international development to. It is a way of structuring the main elements in a project that shows the logical linkages between them see table 1. At its core is a theory of change management which presents the logical flow of causal outcomes between achievement of a. Results of the process of using the logical framework concepts can. Monitoring and evaluation of rural development in afghanistan. Collaborating, learning, and adapting cla is a framework and a set of practices for strengthening organizational learning and the conditions that enable it throughout the program cycle to improve our development effectiveness, and support countries on their journey to. Context armenia is exposed to a range of complex emergencies because of its location. Indicators,logframe and m and e system 19 april 2012. Agency for international development usaid was established on november 3, 1961, following enactment of the foreign assistance act of 1961 faa, p. It looks like a table or framework and aims to present information about the key components of a project in a clear, concise, logical and systematic way.
The logframe has become an essential tool for donors not only in planning their own macrolevel strategies, but also in seeking indepth information about small and mediumsized projects funded by them. Disaster management programmedisaster preparedness and response project page 4 1. Its origins lie in a planning approach for the us military, which was then adapted for the us space agency nasa before being adopted by usaid for development projects over thirty years ago. The analysis steps make it possible to draw a project planning matrix ppm. The logframe matrix does not communicate the time allocated t o strategy.
Assumptions in the far right column of a logical framework matrix are an. Its communityfocused approach enables participants to analyze differences between men and womens culturallydefined practices in the. What is logical framework analysis lfa and why is it. However, we suggest keeping your completed form to one page or less in length. Central to the project design process is the logical framework. Unfortunately, these days most donors require you to. Background, operations, and issues congressional research service 1 he u. The log frame matrix structure activities xxxx xxx xxx outputs xxxx xx xxx component xx xxxxx xxxxx objectives purpose xxxx xxxx xxx goal xxxx xx means of assumptions. Its communityfocused approach enables participants to analyze differences between men and womens culturallydefined practices in the community, and.
Sample logframe on the next page is an example of what a logframe might look like after concerns about the use of corporal punishment in a particular community have. Agency for international development the logical framework checklist on this page is meant to help you check your work. Frame usaid natural resource management and development portal. It was first actually developed by usaid during the 1970s, but now every donor is using it in its proposal format. Lfa, the logical framework approach, is an instrument for objectiveoriented planning of projects. This document displays several modifications to the logical framework matrix format which have grown out of the past two years of operational experience. Logical framework approach tilahun haregu dec 2016 1 2. Technical note this document describes the rationale, theory, and essential elements of the logframe as it relates to usaid s program cycle technical notes planning series are published by the bureau for policy, planning and learning and provide key concepts and approaches to usaid staff and partners related to the program cycle. Brief introduction to completing the logframe matrix. Sida, like many other donor agencies, has decided to use, and to encour. As you work, cells will expand somewhat to accommodate text. Indicators sources of verification assumptionrisks overall goal health and social vulnerability of people of armenia has decreased. Collaborating, learning, and adapting cla is a framework and a set of practices for strengthening organizational learning and the conditions that enable it throughout the program cycle to improve our development effectiveness, and support countries on their journey to selfreliance. Matrix ppm, and allows for a complete project to be represented in a clear and related manner.
Apr 19, 2012 indicators, logframe and m and e system 19 april 2012. A tool to help strengthen project design, implementation and evaluation. Terminologies logical framework analysis logical framework approach log frame project framework log frame matrix 2 3. It also identifies the measures by which the projects anticipated results will be monitored.
The ppm is a matrix of four columns and four rows providing sixteen squares for a comprehensive description of a project. Pdf the logical framework approachmillennium researchgate. Logical framework approach logframe was developed for usaid by a consultancy in the late 1960s, and its use became a requirement for the projects usaid funded from 1970. Health and care programmehealth promotion and education project. Ppm shows both the projects logical structure the links between the inputsactivities and the objectives to be achieved under certain assumptions, and its major quantitative data. It can be completed in acrobat or reader, saved, printed, or pasted on to an 8. Pdf what are the advantages and disadvantages of using the. A logframe is another name for logical framework, a planning tool consisting of a matrix which provides an overview of a projects goal, activities and anticipated results. All this information is presented in a table with four columns and.
Like many other management tools the logical framework approach has to be learnt before it can be effectively used. As a methodology, the logical framework approach lfa is a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results. Six most common hazards are earthquakes, ars, radiation leak, mudslide,w hailstorm, and floods. Frame usaid natural resource management and development. The world bank logframe handbook, a logical framework. Aug 17, 2015 the simplest form of a logframe is a 4x4 table with 16 cells, although this isnt a strict format. It must be remembered that use of the logical framework approach allows a stepbystep conceptualization of important project elements. The evaluation design matrix is an essential tool for planning and organizing an evaluation.
Nov, 2014 first, a major advantage of using logframe is t o improve the pro ject design and supervision. The full logframe matrix used by cafod, which can be viewed in the referenced report, represents an example of a fullydeveloped logframe, and is organised by the categories of goal, purpose, inputs, outputs, and impact weighting arranged vertically, and as supporting information, entries for baseline, indicator, milestones, target and year. In the table you note down what you want to achieve and how youll get there. United states agency for international development usaid published. The logframe matrix the main output of the lfa is the logframe matrix. The logical framework is as much a way of thinking about development projects as it is a one page tool for summarizing the key elements of a project design and establishing a basis for project monitoring and.
The logical framework matrix is a way of presenting the substance of an intervention in a comprehensive form. The logical framework or logframe is a document that gives an overview of the objectives, activities and resources of a project. The logical frame validates and potentially updates the result framework and includes detail on the inputs and outputs necessary to achieve the intended results or projects purpose as well as project assumptions. Logical framework logframe technical note usaid learning lab. The data source that can be used to determine the achievement for each of the purposes on the list. It is a planning tool for all stages of the project cycle in a simple and systematic frame work it allows participatory project planning and evaluation by non.
Logical framework variations program cycle project. The world bank 1818 h street, nw washington dc, 20433 usa. June 27, 2014 the logframe technical note describes the rationale, theory, and essential elements of the logframe as it relates to usaid s program cycle. Ideally it should be produced in country so that during the planning stage participatory approaches can be used to feed into the log frame as it is developed. It provides a structure to help specify the components of a project and its activities and for relating them to one another. At care, we view womens empowerment through the lens of poor womens struggles to achieve their full and equal human rights.
A log frame also known as a project framework is a tool for planning and managing development projects. Since then the framework has been adopted as a funding prerequisite by many other fund giving organisations, and unsurprisingly the framework has become a familiar internal. Use extended well into the 1990s, though the matrix had. It also provides information about external elements that may influence the project, called assumptions. This template allows you to create a fourlevel logical framework. The logical framework has proven extremely valuable for project design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
Jul 01, 2011 in the late 1960s, a consulting firm developed the logical framework approach to planning and its associated planning matrix, the logframe, at the request of the united states agency for international development usaid. Logical framework analysis for usaid projects agrilinks. In the example of a logframe matrix that has been provided with this article the data source for determining the popularity of the product will be the frequency and volumes of the restocking orders received from the sales channels. The logical framework approach was developed in 1969 for the u. The method may also be used for analysis, assessment, followup and evaluation of projects. It was pioneered for usaid in the 1970s and has since been widely adopted by multilateral and bilateral agencies, ngos. The principal changes to the logframe from the earlier 2008 4 x 4 matrix are. Logical framework variations program cycle project starter u. The log frame is a way of structuring the main elements in a project and highlighting the logical linkages between them. The basic logframe matrix contains 16 cells organized into 4 columns and 4 rows, as indicated in the next slide. The gender analysis matrix gam, developed by rani parker, is a tool that uses participatory approaches to identify how a particular agricultural production, processing or marketing practice impacts men and women differently in the community.
The ppm allows for ease of understanding and sets the basis for project cycle management to occur. In 1970 and 1971, usaid implemented the method in 30 country assistance programs under the guidance of practical concepts incorporated, founded by rosenberg. On the onset, the logframe matrix may seem incredibly easy to use, but once you begin filling up this 16 cell matrix it suddenly seems difficult and confusing. The key elements of the logframe matrix include the narrative summary, the indicators. This article attempts to explain the usage of this tool with the help of an example of a logframe matrix which can be downloaded from bright hubs media gallery.
The second column of the logframe matrix identifies performance. A log frame is a tool for improving the planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of projects. Symposium features usaid research partnerships on forests and watersheds to solve complex challenges to food security, nutrition and health a symposium held at the ronald reagan building on october 4 highlighted research that demonstrates linkages between the status of watersheds and forests and health and nutrition outcomes. Logical framework approach logical framework matrix. The logical frame provides a way to define, design, and budget for the usaid interventions necessary to achieve the cdcs goal and dos.
The logical framework approach is an analytical and management tool which is now used in one form or another by most multilateral and bilateral aid agencies, international ngos and by many partner governments for the management of development projects. What the method is used for depends on the role of its users and their needs. The logical framework template variation that best suits this case is. Finally, it tells you how the project will be monitored, through the use of contentindicators. The logical framework matrix is used to present information about project objectives, outputs and activities in a systematic and logical way. Ppm shows both the projects logical structure the links between the inputsactivities and the objectives to be achieved under certain assumptions.
After being adopted by usaid in the 1970s, the logical framework, or logframe, has since. Nov 02, 2016 the gender analysis matrix gam, developed by rani parker, is a tool that uses participatory approaches to identify how a particular agricultural production, processing or marketing practice impacts men and women differently in the community. Summary the logical framework approach is a set of interlocking concepts which must be used together in a dynamic fashion to develop a welldesigned, objectivelydescribed and evaluable project. Objectively verifiable indicators ovis have been separated into their component elements indicator, baseline and target, and milestones added. In an ideal world, a logframe should be flexible and updated frequently. Overview of the logical framework approach log frame matrix, a documented product of the lfa is prepared before a project proposal and makes its integral part. Pdf the logical framework approach lfa has proved to be a.
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